
Memorial University and the Inuit Circumpolar Council

Institutional Partner

University of Ottawa


The Qanittaq initiative is co-developed with Inuit organizations and input from Inuit knowledge holders in the Arctic, and will support research led by Memorial University and various academic research teams across Canada, including the University of Ottawa, Dalhousie University, Université de Montréal, and University of British Columbia. Since Arctic shipping is critical for Inuit communities and vitally important for re-supply and economical development, the Qanittaq initiative involves almost 50 partners and a dedicated knowledge mobilization and technology commercialization strategy team to ensure the research has the intended long-lasting and tangible impacts.

The initiative will support engagement between Inuit, academia, industry, regulatory bodies and government such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Transport Canada, and the Canadian Coast Guard. Our industry and government partners will be working collaboratively with our hybrid academic and Inuit research teams to develop the technology platforms necessary to accomplish the objectives and further update IMO’s Polar Code.